SPA Available in Foggy Bottom Townhouse

SPA will be holding walk-in hours at the Foggy Bottom townhouse now through November 1st. SPA will be in the Club Room sometime between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. To see exactly when and which SPA will be there, you can find the schedule here.
SPA will be available to help with any and all advising questions, but this week’s advising in particular will focus on four-year plans, and next week will be focused on scheduling classes for next semester.
So no need to panic about which classes to take or which of the ten different versions of your four-year plan you want to ultimately turn in to Catherine, simply stop by the Club Room and have a chat with your SPA. We’re here to help! Head to your Foggy Bottom appointments with Catherine a littler early (or stay late, or just come whenever!) and get a little extra support!