Liz says goodbye

This post is written by UHP Program Officer Liz Sutton, who will be departing the UHP on Friday, August 2 for the nutty streets of Philadelphia.

Off on new adventures. And the best way to do that is on  a Vespa.
Off on new adventures. And the best way to do that is on a Vespa.

I’m not one for goodbyes, especially in this connected world of social media. I prefer looking forward to looking backward, laughter to tears. But in this moment, as I am slipping away in the summer months and saying goodbye to the Honors Community, I would like to reflect on the people and events that have made the past three years so memorable.
If you’ve sat in the front office, been in a group advising session, or ever read the blog, you know that the UHP is a place where we have FUN while still getting a lot done. Ryan Gosling, GoT, me riding an alligator… the hilarious photoshopping and memes never end. The perspective that the Socratic and the silly are not mutually exclusive is one of the things I enjoy most about the UHP, and it has shaped my own philosophy on the purpose and delivery of education.
I am grateful also for my smart and committed colleagues in the UHP. Each staff and faculty member brings unique perspective and skills to the table. It has been a joy presenting, conversing, and creating with such an interesting group of people. I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished together and I count you all among my dearest and most fabulous friends.
Above all else, I adore and respect the students of the UHP. You have provided me with discussions, laughs, and challenges that have shaped me as an advisor and as a person. I appreciate your wide array of interests and personalities and the fervor with which each of you pursues your education. Working with you has never been just a job. You are the reason I come to work in the morning, the reason that working a registration weekend was never a problem, the inspiration that has kept me going in dark moments. For that I am eternally grateful.
It’s not easy making a big change, not easy to leave behind a lot of people who mean so much. But sometimes you have to take a leap, giving up comfort and normalcy to explore something potentially better. I gave myself the same advice I would give (or have given) to you all – take a deep breath and jump in.
My UHP gmail address is still valid: I hope you will all keep in touch – while my official duties may be ending I will always be a resource and friend!
With love and gratitude,

1 thought on “Liz says goodbye

  1. Bobby O'Brien

    Good luck, Liz!
    I think you’ll find that one never REALLY leaves the GW UHP. They always find a way to suck you back in!

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