[SPA 2013-2014] Thom Josephson CCAS '15 – Economics and Political Science

Monuments and bowties - just an average day for Thom.
Monuments and bowties – just an average day for Thom.

Hi, how are you? Take a seat, get a nice cup of coffee. Let’s talk, just you and me. Let me introduce myself. I’m Thom Josephson. Oh, you want more? (Or maybe you don’t) Well, I’m a junior in CCAS with majors in Economics and Political Science. I am from Ipswich Massachusetts. East Coast, Best Coast! I am, full disclosure, abroad in the fall. Sad face. But it’s in Paris! Anyways, I swim, run, and just generally exercise. I thoroughly enjoy DC and GW. I enjoy movies and making bad jokes. I am terrible at idioms. I watch too much TV, despise reading fiction, and wear bowties. The UHP has given me so much, from an appreciation to philosophy to people with whom to argue about philosophy. It’s a wonderful program, which you’ll know, by the time I’m back from abroad.
Thom’s SPAcialties: Scheduling; high school to college transitions; 5-year programs; Economics; Political Science; lying, cheating, stealing, whatever. I can do anything.
If you want to get in touch with Thom, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!