New UHP Course Offerings Available

Just in time for registration, we’d like to announce the addition of four new courses for next semester.  Keep reading to find out more!
The History of Ice Cream
CRN: 03131
Location: Cone-y Island Secret Basement

Professor Mark Ralkowski
Course Description: “For those with ice cream, no evidence is necessary; for those without it, no evidence will suffice.” Thomas Aquinas wrote of ice cream as the true pathway to God, yet 5 centuries later Voltaire called it the greatest proof of human ingenuity and the powers of science. Ice cream can help us imagine whirled peace and perhaps, for some, show the chocolate swirled path to the Americone dream.  This course will explore this elusive – and yes, delicious – concept from the Middle Ages through the Industrial Revolution. 

Mr. Jane Austen?
CRN: 11111
Location: Honors Club Room
Professor Maria Frawley

Course Description: It is well-known that William Shakespeare was a fraud, but UHP Director and Jane Austen scholar Maria Frawley has recently uncovered emerging evidence that Austen’s beloved body of work was, in fact, written by a male London factory worker named Mervyn Munt. Students in this course will be at the forefront of emerging English scholarship and academic controversy. Discover how Munt felt about the English patriarchy and true love, and how those views came to shape his story of Pride and Prejudice. 

Pluto’s Demotion: The Politics of Planetary Classification
CRN: 99999
Location: Honors Building Roof
Professor Bethany Kung

Course Description: World-renown astronomer Bethany Kung takes students behind the scenes of the seedy underbelly of the astronomical planetary classification cartel. Think House of Cards, but darker. Using Pluto’s demotion as a semester-long case study, students will learn to understand the complex system of planetary classification and the players involved. Naturally, climate change will also be discussed. 

Fulfills: HONR Self and Society, PSC 1047, ASTR 1089
Journey to Self-Awareness: A Meta Study of the Meta

CRN: 42
Location: See Department
Professor Judge Docter

Course Description: This paragraph describes the contents of the course, and so the term “Course Description” precedes this sentence, which is the first in the paragraph.  Students in this course will examine a different course on selected topics in meta-philosophy and meta-humor, all the while realizing and acknowledging aloud just what it is they’re really doing. Students can expect to read about readings of meta-theory, and practice applying the theory in practice. The course will include theoretical applications of meta-humor, with students envisioning a final project of a perfectly crafted joke about a joke within a joke. Special lecture by visiting scholar Perd Hapley.

Fulfills: Self
Happy April Fools’ Day!  These courses, of course, will not be offered by the UHP.  You can find all of our (real) courses for the coming semester here.

1 thought on “New UHP Course Offerings Available

  1. Jorah

    Curse you, UHP!

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