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Is ChatGPT Listening to you?

Before spilling your digital secrets to ChatGPT or other AI tools, remember it's more sieve than vault!  The amount of stolen ChatGPT accounts is just unbelievable. Why? Because criminals know people copy/paste sensitive data into ChatGPT conversations. Here are a few tips to keep you safe when using any AI tools:
  1. Beware of fake AI apps and browser extensions that may be malware or phishing scams
  2. Never enter sensitive information or PII while using AI tools
  3. Treat AI tools like a knowledgeable but overconfident friend, and use them cautiously
Want even more tips on how to stay safe using AI? Continue reading or watch this 1-minute video: (material by
  • Never enter sensitive information of personally identifiable information (PII) while using AI tools.
  • Remove mentions of GW, faculty, staff and student names from content put in AI tools.
  • Ensure that AI-generated information is validated through other sources prior to using.
  • Understand potential bias in AI-generated content.
  • Thoroughly review AI-generated code before using.
  • Treat AI tools like a knowledgeable but overconfident friend and use them cautiously.
  • Content provided by