"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot"
The fifth of November in the UK is a day of festivities and celebration dating back to the 17th century. On November fifth, 1605 Guy Fawkes was discovered guarding a load of powder that was to be used to blow up the British Parliament. Today that celebration is marked in a rather surprising manner, Bonfire Night. On bonfire night citizens across the UK celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot by burning scarecrow effigies of Guy Fawkes and shooting off fireworks.
Edinburgh, being a city, wasn't host to a large number of bonfires as far as I could gather but it sure did enjoy its fireworks. The largest show in Edinburgh was hosted at the Meadowbanks Sports center while other localities hosted smaller shows and individuals ran around lighting off rockets wherever they saw fit.
To take in this spectacle I participated in a common ritual, avoiding the fees of the Meadowbanks Show by finding a vantage point above it. To do so I climbed the Salisbury Crag. Many others also climbed to get a good vantage point with some opting to go all the way to the top of Arthur seat. Personally I felt that Arthur's seat was too distant from the action and that the Crag would get in the way so I opted for the shorter crag.