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By jadoerge

Semester Break Adventures Part 3: Istanbul

So after our travels in Budapest and Bucharest, Morgan and I were finally on our way to our first real “destination,” that we had planned on: Istanbul. Although I could easily go on about our time in the city where East meets West, I will try to keep this as short as possible while still including the funniest and most culturally relevant tidbits.

After our relatively uneventful overnight train from Budapest to Bucharest, we certainly weren’t expecting what we were getting into during our 18-hour marathon train ride from Bucharest to Istanbul. While the train was a bit older, it was still nicely equipped and we had no real complaints about the train itself, per se. However, after a few hours on the  train, things began to get interesting. First, at the border leaving Romania, we had to have our passports checked, during which, our passports were actually taken from us by a few officers and taken to a building about 50 yards from the train, which was terrifying all in itself. Interestingly, this happened at the other two border crossings as well before reaching the Turkish border. After thirty minutes, we finally were on our way again (passports in hand) and were trying to kill time with movies and books waiting the 1am arrival at the Turkish border, since we knew that we had to get out at some point during the ride. Once the late hour finally arrived, we all had to get off the train and go to a customs office which amounted to an office the size of a dorm room with two very exhausted customs officers who then proceeded to tell us that before we got stamps, we had to buy a visa at the visa office which was just down the road. The visa office, mind you, was about the size of a small closet with a flickering light and an older man who demanded 15 Euro per Visa. Unfortunately, we hadn’t used Euros since we left Germany and only had a few extra bills on us that amounted to 25 Euros. (None of this was clarified by anyone either on board or at the train station in Bucharest) After a few minutes of minor heart attacks and considering which bench we would sleep on for the night, one of the nice conductors on our train offered to lend us and a couple of American girls the necessary Euros as long as we paid him back with Lira once we were in Turkey. After we finally got our Visa, we were able to get a little shut eye before passing through the gorgeous old city walls of Istanbul around 8am. ...continue reading "Turkey, Hold the Gravy"

By aubreygunnels

On Tuesday, the new king of Holland was crowned and naturally, we were there to celebrate. 6:30am in the car on the way for the biggest party in Europe. Its traditional to wear orange.. lots of orange. I bought 3 euro bright orange leggings at the midi market last week that worked out perfectly. We got a hotel next to the airport for super cheap (the rates were sky high due to the festivities in the city). We took a shuttle to the airport from the hotel and caught the train into the city for 8 euro round trip. The train was a short 20 minute trip right in to the center of the city. THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE. People of all ages, speaking all different languages, and clearly from all different backgrounds. There was singing and dancing outside every bar and vendors selling everything orange, glasses, hates, shirts, etc. ...continue reading "Queen’s Day"

By Jessica Hoffner

I can’t believe my semester with Doctora Ana has come to an end! The opportunity to accompany her in the operating room and follow the progress of her patients has been incredible. Although waking up at 6:30am twice a week in addition to a full schedule of classes wasn’t always easy, I am so grateful to have had this opportunity and all that I’ve learned along the way. Ana has been an incredible person to shadow – she’s an amazing woman and her patients truly love and respect her. Thanks to Ana’s teachings and spending 11 hours a week in the hospital, my medical vocabulary has improved tremendously and my speaking and comprehension has certainly improved as well. It has also been rewarding to come home and share my experiences with my host family. In my time here, Ana and her patients have appeared on two news programs, which I’ve felt so lucky to be able to watch with my host family and know that I was a part of something special. Other students in my program have also taken an interest in my work with Ana, and it’s always exciting in class when someone asks me what I saw in the operating room on that day. I believe that the personal stories about my experiences that I have been able to share with friends and family (Spaniards and Americans) have made a difference by opening their eyes to the miracles of medicine and the importance of health care. While nothing will replace this experience, I look forward to continuing this work by participating on a medical volunteer trip to South America this winter. ...continue reading "¡Hasta Luego!"

By jadoerge

After a long day of sight seeing in Budapest that I described in my last post, Morgan and I were quite happy to be getting on our overnight train around 8pm with plenty of food for the road. Having taken a very nice (and fast) German ICE train down to Hungary, this next train, while nice, looked about three decades older. Despite its age, however, the two beds and bathroom that we got in our sleeping car were more than adequate and the journey was fairly uneventful and we woke up quite refreshed as we pulled into the main train station in Bucharest, Romania! ...continue reading "Semester Break Adventures Episode 2: Romania!"

Around Brussels there large squares in the center of different parts of town. These squares were formally areas where people of the different districts would do their shopping and get groceries. The different districts in Brussels are fairly spread out so the squares are quite large to support many people.

The trading industry in these squares still continue today. On the weekend and some weekdays, certain markets are open filled with a variety of goods. There are two markets I am personally familiar with only two, though there are many more.

This morning we went to a market at Gare du Midi. It is where the central train station is in an ‘interesting’ part of town. I went with a suitemate who had been before so it was very easy to get around. When we got out of the metro, there were hoards of people out on the streets. I was beautiful outside and already around noon so I guess that should have been expected. ...continue reading "Markets!"

By unprofoundobservations

Tomorrow morning I will leave for my spring break and the largest stretch of traveling I will be able to do while in Europe. While nobody is exactly sure why our two weeks of spring break come in the last month of our semester (see: two weeks of break and then two weeks of finals) it's an excellent chance to explore the continent when the weather is finally nice. I finished arranging my travel plans approximately 5 hours ago, and though I'm excited for impending travels everything seems to have come together very last minute. While I love the idea of an organized-in-advance vacation - for example, one where I do not realize the night before that I don't have train tickets for the first leg of my journey - I know that this is hardly my strength. Whatever happens for the next two weeks I'll roll with and will have to assume that all is well. While I'm excited for the destinations (Marseille, Lake Como, Florence, and Prague) it's the traveling I love. I assume I'll feel differently after my eighth hour on a bus through European farmland, but it's hard to ignore the sense of adventure. ...continue reading "Then you have no problems! Where’d they go?"

By crstein1

Real Madrid gameThis past weekend I went to my first football (soccer) game.  It’s so interesting how different the fan culture is between the United States and here in Spain.  The game was between Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid, at the Atlético stadium.  I’m a Real Madrid fan and I assumed that since both teams are from Madrid, there would be fans there from both teams.  I showed up to the game naively wearing a Real Madrid scarf.  A moment after entering the stadium I realized that there were only Atlético fans.  Fans started criticizing my friends and I for wearing Real Madrid gear.  I very quickly and discretely put the scarf in my bag.  In New York, if there was a Mets-Yankees game, regardless of the stadium, there would be fans present from both teams.  Apparently, here in Spain, fans only go to their team’s home stadium.      ...continue reading "Football (Soccer) Culture"

By unprofoundobservations

Me and some folks from my program posing on the iconic bridge in Monet's gardensAs I sit in my room on a Sunday night making attempts at 'productive procastination' - that is to say updating this blog, responding to emails, online window shopping, and doing other important tasks in lieu of writing a paper - I realize how quickly my program will be over. I have less than 6 weeks left in this beautiful city and I have no idea how to best take advantage of the time. I will be traveling for my spring break during two of these weeks and continue to remind myself that I have finals to contend with for most of these weeks, but I can't appreciate just how little time I have left. At this point six weeks still seems like a sizable stretch of time and Washington D.C. is so very far away. The weather has just become warm and sunny, and I can't imagine having to spend my last times in Paris sitting inside reviewing French modernist painters and their political system. ...continue reading "I came here to paint"

By jahdaimoriah

I can not believe I am packing. My journey is about to come to an end and I am in such disbelief. I only have two more days in this beautiful city that I can simply call my second home. It is truly a bittersweet moment. On one hand I miss my family and my friends back home and I cant wait to see them but on the hand Firenze has been the place where I have grown as a person and as an artist. It is the first place where I have been comfortable enough to call myself an artist. I no longer just take pictures and I no longer just kinda draw. I am an artist. My creativity has been nurtured since I have been here and I feel like I will be tested when I go back home. Tested on if I can keep the momentum going.  ...continue reading "Packing Up"

By crstein1

I had the amazing opportunity to meet up with my parents this past weekend.  They wanted to visit me during my study abroad semester, but had already been to Spain, so we decided on a trip to Dublin, where none of us had ever been.  I was beyond impressed with Ireland.  It’s a beautiful place, quite unlike any other place in Europe I have visited.  Instantly upon arrival it became clear that regardless of the typical gloomy weather, the Irish people are the alive and happy types, who love their pubs and their folk dancing.  I fell in love with the place that seems to exist in a perpetual Saint Patrick’s Day celebration. ...continue reading "Patriotism and Devotion"