By Joy Kayode
اهلاً وسهلاً اساحبي، (Welcome my friends,)
كيفكم؟ (How are you all?)
I hope all is well! I’ve officially been in Amman for over a month and I am STILL in love! Holistically, SIT Jordan Geopolitics could not have been a better fit for my learning style and my current academic interests.
This month’s topic is about the research and volunteer work that I plan to participate in while I’m abroad. As I mentioned in the previous post, I will be pursuing a research project centered primarily around economic development throughout Jordan. My research/internship will be solidified by the next post. So get ready for A LOT of details next month! Before starting any research, I believe that by partnering with a Jordanian institution I will have the opportunity to contribute to the preexisting body of research about the future of Jordanian economic policy. I want to begin researching this topic with the prospect of offering a new or fresh perspective on the subject. If I am able to answer the questions I have, and pose new questions from them, or lead someone to think about something in a different way, I will feel like I am making a genuine difference.
Although, at this particular moment my research project is not finalized, (therefore I have been unable to start) I do anticipate running into a few challenges. For instance, the fact of the matter is although I have been taking Arabic for the past two years, I am still new to this language. Being a non-native Arabic speaker, I can anticipate running into some challenges translating and comprehending some of the high-level or more specialized Economics vocabulary. However, I have to keep in mind that any challenges that I might encounter are not unique to Joy. These challenges can stem from anywhere and it is my responsibility to be persistent and work towards overcoming them. Another challenge I anticipate running into is the time period for which I will be in Amman. Of the places I’ve reached out to, some establishments have expressed hesitation in offering research positions for someone who is only able to work for a limited period of time. Like any other obstacle I might encounter, I will work closely with SIT, determine the most feasible organizations moving forward, and develop and readjust my path of research as needed.
Another very important issue that I don’t believe is emphasized as much, is the importance of maintaining a realistic budget. Managing the weekly stipend that I am allotted has been difficult to maneuver around. Realistically, 50 dinars (approx. $70 USD) can last a week, but it can very easily last just one or two days. In order to not blow through all of the money that I saved up over the summer, I decided to assess how much I was spending in a week, what I was spending it on, and how many of these things were complete necessities. I was able to decide that I don’t need to buy a Mini Chicken Makers Meal from Burger Makers (think Jordanian Chick fil-A) every. single. day. After some trial and error, I realized that if I didn’t spend all of my money on monetary wants, I will have more money left for necessities. Then I could purchase my splurge items and not feel guilty about it! If you’re reading this and you may be considering studying abroad, don’t let this discourage you! During anytime in your life and throughout any situation, I’m positive that you will be able to find a solution that will work out in your favor! Even if it doesn’t seem that way at first! Keep pushing and keep fighting! I’ll be doing the same, only halfway across the world!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post! Take care and talk to you all next month!
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