Well, this is it. I have five hours before my flight to Greece. Two hours before I leave for the airport. And every single minute freaking out. When I looked around my bedroom after sealing the final zipper there is one and only one thing left to do- make my bed.
But instead I crawled under the covers and wrote this blog post. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel exactly. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited (and of course I am) but all I can think about is the language I don't know, the people I don't know, the holidays and weekends I'll miss spending time with my family. It's very- overwhelming.
Not to mention the horrible week I had before my departure. Let's just say it included Norovirus and a sprained ankle- I'll save you the gory details. But I just kept thinking, "Don't they say if the play has a bad dress rehearsal, the opening night will be perfect?" That's how I'm hoping my semester abroad goes.
I know there will be culture shock, and set backs, and classes to still study for. But I can't wait for the new incredible journey I'm about to embark on. It's my first time overseas; it's my first time doing something really on my own. I can't wait to learn about myself. I can't wait to bring back the perspectives I've gained.
It will be hard and at times tiring, as evidenced by the anxiety in my stomach right about now. But I think it'll be oh so worth it. And I thank you for taking this journey with me.
In two hours I leave for the airport. In five hours I leave America. I leave on the 22nd and arrive in Greece on the 23rd after a ten hour flight. I'll battle jet lag and a language barrier.
But that's a small price to pay for an invaluable experience.
Catch you next week!