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My Multi-Country Program Communitie

By conniezhanger


1.) This first picture shows my American IES Program friends on a weekend trip to Munich, Germany. Although I am living in a foreign country, there is a safe American community for me at school. Although most of our core values and customs are similar, we come from many different schools and places in the USA, and in that regard, it is also very diverse. I travel with many of my friends to other place, and it is always nice to share a beautiful experience with friends.Traveling Alone

2.) This second picture is a picture of me in Freiburg, Germany, where I live in. Although I am surrounded by American friends at school, I sometimes like to explore the city alone, as it allows me to more fully appreciate the German culture and meet other German citizens. I also like to travel alone around Europe, as it not only allows more freedom in terms of what you want to do with your time, but freedom in how you feel about yourself.City Gate

3.) The third picture shows me and my American friends in Berlin. Not only am I living in the current culture of Europe, but I am also living in the rich history of the continent, which has formed and shaped the culture that exists today.EU

4.) The next picture shows my American school visit to the European Institutions. One of the really important things we are learning about on this trip is about how the continent governs itself. In any nation, governance is very important in affecting a country.


5.) The last picture is of me and my German friends. Although I like to spend a lot of time with my American friends, I also make sure I reach out to my new friends, and really integrate into their culture.