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Technology Resources

GW Information Technology (GWIT)  provides support to all GW students, Monday - Friday, 7AM-10PM EST, via email at or phone: 202-994-4948. You can also submit an IT Ticket for help.  See also: IT Support.

Software Downloads Available to GW Students

The following software applications are offered for use by students and faculty while they are affiliated with GWU. These may be downloaded by using your GW user ID and password (the same that you use for your GWU email account). Go to and choose the "software" link.

A new drop box system is available for our students to use.  Please note that this is not where you will submit course assignments.  You will continue to do that in Blackboard (Bb). Please see GW Box, and/or refer to the section about file protection in for information about using this resource to back up, or share, your files.

Access to GWU Systems and Technology

The Division of IT Technology website, will give you access to links for such things as:

  • GW accounts, GWEB, and the IDs to use with them
  • Email and Calendar use
  • WebEx conferencing system
  • Google Drive
  • Training for various GW systems

GWU Training for Skills via LinkedIn Learning (LiL)*:

Free to GWU students, staff, and faculty -- "LinkedIn Learning" provides tutorials for learning how to use various software applications and other professional skills.  [* LinkedIn Learning was formerly known as "Lynda".]

Technology Resources for Graduating Students and Alumni