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Muslim American Youth Voices: “I Am the Night Sky” Book Workshop for Educators

Thursday, October 24, 2019
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Carver Educational Services Center Auditorium
850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850

What are the experiences of local Muslim youth during an era characterized by both hijabi fashion models and enduring post-9/11 stereotypes? In this workshop, we will hear from the authors of this newly-released title from DC-based Shout Mouse Press, I Am the Night Sky & Other Reflections of Muslims American Youth. Through poems, essays, artwork, and stories, these young people aim to show their true selves, to build connection, and to create more inclusive and welcoming communities for all.

After hearing from the authors, educators will explore lesson plans and curricular resources to use the book in their classrooms. A complimentary copy of the book will be provided along with light refreshments.

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University, Shout Mouse Press, and Montgomery County Public Schools.