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Leadership of the C3@GWU program host International Collaborators

Members of the C3 leadership and faculty welcomed a visit from the University of Amsterdam Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. The group of faculty and doctoral students (from the PhD in Translational Health Sciences) discussed synergies between the C3 program and activities at the IIS in addition to teaching techniques and program development. The group found many opportunities for further international collaborations and potential exchanges in the future.

Machiel Keestra, past president of the international Association of Interdisciplinary Studies teaches at the University of Amsterdam Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (

Linda de Greef is from the Innovation/Education lab and publishes on interdisciplinary teaching techniques (

Jessica Rodermans
, is the coordinator of the interdisciplinary electives & honours courses. (

Dr. Keetstra and colleagues are very involved in both interdisciplinary education and also extracurricular activities as consultants and conference about interdisciplinary instruction.

Besides the teaching of regular interdisciplinary courses the group is also involved in interdisciplinary bachelor and master’s education. They develop interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary workshops, and ‘pressure cookers’ that bring together students and faculty from various departments from their university, together with businesses or NGOs or governmental institutions. They also offer advice and workshops to other institutions/programs at several Dutch universities on interdisciplinary curriculum development and education. They have initiated the National Interdisciplinary Education conference last year, which will be the first of a continuing series: .

Information on their institute is here: .

They are also editing a series Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity at Amsterdam UP: .