As a graduate student, I never thought almost 3/4 of my program would be conducted remotely, and while I’ve learned to somewhat adapt over time, I deeply miss in person events and exchanges with others. This increased time at my home in DC has been a challenge being someone who thrives off variety in my work environment, but at the end of January I got a new companion to my “work from home” life. This is Luna, a now 11 week old lab mix I rescued from an adoption agency in North Carolina.
She’s the sweetest pup and gentle observer that’s added some sleepless yet incredibly happy days to my remote studies. It’s amazing how being forced to look after someone/something else forces you to get outside and take breaks, be more social, and more intentionally care for yourself so you can care for them.
I know so many individuals adopted animals this past year, and in a way these adoptions both saved the animals and ourselves. Until we’re all able to greet one another in person one day, I hope you get a little more appreciation from the furry friends around you, even those you pass on the street.
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