OGS will clear a student for graduation once they meet all degree requirements listed in DegreeMAP. If your program has non-course requirements please complete the required Google form to let us know that the requirement is complete. Once cleared, we will send a congratulatory letter via email to the student.
Students may complete their degree in Spring, Summer, or Fall semesters. Every student must apply to graduate in the semester in which they intend to complete their degree. Graduation application deadlines are listed on the Registrar’s website. After each application deadline, your OGS student services coordinator will send you a notification with a list of your students who have applied for graduation. You must notify your student services coordinator on whether or not they have completed degree requirements.
Students who are not cleared (“not-cleared”) must submit another graduation application in GWeb for the semester in which they will complete. They must also make sure to *register* (Continuing Research or Continuous Enrollment) for the following semester(s) until the program requirements have been completed.
More information on graduation and degree completion can be found on the Graduation/Degree Completion page.
PhD Clearance Deadlines
PhD students have additional deadlines to ensure they graduate. These deadlines can be view on the PhD Clearance Deadline page.