The Student Services Team is here to assist students and faculty in navigating GW and CCAS academic policies and processes, provide academic and social programming opportunities, and to liaise between GW offices to ensure student success. Each CCAS Graduate program has a designated student services coordinator. Please visit the Graduate Student Services Team page for a list of student service team members.
The most important responsibilities of a DGS, or an advisor designated by the DGS, include:
- advising students on their program of study.
- meeting with new students to plan a program of study and discuss any conditions of admission (deficiencies, GPA requirements, etc.) as soon as the term begins, if not before.
- scheduling regular advising sessions to track students’ academic progress.
- promptly reporting any concerns or issues (such as a low GPA) to your OGS Student Services coordinator.
Student Handbooks
To comply with the university accessibility guidelines, we are transitioning the current Maters/Certificate and Doctoral handbooks to our website. This will also allow students to easily find specific information rather navigating through a multi-page document and allow for updated information to be posted quickly.
You can view all information and download student forms such as the Petition Request and Transfer Credit request from our website.
Accessing Student Records
As DGS, you will have access to GWeb to view unofficial transcripts, and DegreeMAP to track academic progress. Access to GWeb is granted by OGS within the first 3 weeks of the semester. To gain access to these systems you must be authorized as an advisor in Banner. Please contact Faculty Personnel to be added as an advisor.