Combined Degree students continue to be subject to undergraduate degree, enrollment, and academic standing requirements until their undergraduate degree is conferred, and must continue to consult with the CCAS Undergraduate Advising office and their Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) to determine how the graduate courses they are permitted to double count will apply to their undergraduate degree requirements.
Undergraduate tuition rates apply until the undergraduate degree is conferred. CCAS graduate tuition rates will apply thereafter.
Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 51% undergraduate-level coursework in a given semester in order to be eligible for undergraduate financial aid and many scholarships. Students must contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance and/or their scholarship agency regarding their funding and plans for coursework each term.
Combined degree students continue to follow the undergrad registration schedule until they graduate from undergrad. Since graduate registration opens before undergrad registration does, during the window of time in between, combined degree students (who have not yet graduated from undergrad), must enroll in their approved grad level courses by using a Registration Transaction Form (RTF).
The Authorized School Official section of the RTF must be signed in the CCAS Undergraduate Advising office. Even after undergraduate enrollment does officially open, if a department has placed restrictions on who can enroll in their graduate level courses, combined degree students may still need to use an RTF, because they are still coded in GWEB as an undergraduate. Once they graduate from undergrad, and enter their first graduate term, combined degree students will follow the graduate priority registration schedule.