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How to Apply

Applications for the Summer 2024 REU program will be accepted between December 1, 2023, and February 29, 2024.


To be eligible for the chemistry REU program at GW:

  • You must be a US citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  • You must be 18 years of age or older
  • You must not be graduating with a 4-year degree before the end of the REU program
  • You must be an undergraduate student attending an acredited 2-year, 4-year, or research university/college, having completed your freshman year before the beginning of the REU program

Application Material

To apply for the program, please complete the form below.

As part of the application you will need to submit:

  • An unoffical academic transcript – this must include all classes taken and grades received (excluding grades for the current semester). This must be attached to the form below and must be uploaded as a pdf file. Please make sure that your transcript is not password protected.
  • A research and career goals statement – this should discuss your educational background, any previous research experience (you do not need to have had previous research experience to be part of the program), your research interests, and your future career goals. The statement should be no more than one page in length and must be uploaded as a pdf file.
  • The names and email of two referees – after you submit your application, we will contact the referees (typically professors from your home insitutiton) you provide to obtain a letter of recommendation. Please confirm the willingness of your referees to write a letter of recommendation for you before you provide their details. Your application will not be considered to be complete until your two letters of recommendation have been received by email.

Please have all of the required information and files ready before starting and submitting your application.

Application Form

Applications for the Summer 2024 program have closed

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