We are excited to announce that our work titled “Economic Analysis of On-Street Parking with Urban Delivery” [URL] has been accepted for publication in Transportation Science. Earlier, this work has been invited for a podium presentation at the 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT25) to be held in July. We look forward to meeting many peers and exchanging research ideas in Ann Arbor this summer!
2024.04: New publication at Service Science
It is my great pleasure to announce that our manuscript titled “Dine in or take out? Trends in restaurant service demand amid the COVID-19 pandemic” has been accepted for publication in Service Science. This was the first research of my journey at GW and Linxuan’s inaugural research endeavor. It represents a departure from the style of my doctoral dissertation and a brand-new experience (and challenge) for me. The paper underwent a rigorous review process spanning three years at Service Science, during which three anonymous reviewers provided sharp and invaluable feedback. We are proud to have survived through this process and to see our work published. It has been a rewarding learning experience for both Linxuan and me! [URL]
2024.04: New Special Issue at TR Part C
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new Special Issue in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies on “The Economics of Platform-Based Mobility and Logistics Services”. Dr. Xu will guest edit this special issue together with Dr. Andres Fielbaum (USYD), Dr. Kenan Zhang (EPFL), Dr. Lewis Lehe (UIUC), and Dr. Daniel Vignon (NYU). We invite submissions of research papers that delve into market dynamics, regulatory frameworks, operational strategies, participants’ behavior, and other relevant aspects of platform-based mobility and logistics systems. The submission portal will accept papers until July 1st, 2024. We look forward to your contributions!
2024.03: Podium Presentation @ISTTT25
Our paper titled “Economic Analysis of On-Street Parking with Urban Delivery” [URL] has been accepted for the podium presentation at the 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT25) to be held July 15–17, 2024 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In this study, we develop continuum models of a curb parking system and perform analytical analyses to understand the dynamics and steady-state properties of the system under the influence of increased urban deliveries.
This is an enjoyable collaboration with Dr. Xiaotong Sun at HKUST (Guangzhou)!
2024.01: Dr Xu’s participation at 2024 TRBAM
At the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting, Dr. Xu presided a lectern session titled “Network Modeling in the Era of Shared Mobility” sponsored by AEP40 – Network Modeling Committee. The session spanned an informative 1 hour and 45 minutes and featured 10 captivating talks. The presented talks addressed the array of challenges and opportunities that emerge with new shared mobility services, using both traditional and emerging modes of transportation. It was a filled room with hundreds of engaged attendees from start to finish. The session is quite a success, offering valuable insights into the forefront of shared mobility research and practice.
Additionally, Dr. Xu and Dr. Xiaotong Sun from HKUST, Guangzhou, showcased their work through a poster presentation titled “Economic Analysis of On-Street Parking with Urban Delivery”. This research emphasizes the distinct effects that deliverers have on curb parking and evaluates the effectiveness of managerial measures commonly employed in this domain.
2023.12: New publication at TR Part C
I am delighted to announce that our paper titled “Strategic Driver Repositioning in Ride-Hailing Networks with Dual Sourcing” has been accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. This publication comes after a year of dedicated efforts to formulate the theoretical proof, and I am immensely proud of the team’s unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence. I take great pride in the final format of this work. [URL]
2023.10: SUM Lab’s presence at INFORMS 2023
At this year’s INFORMS Annual Meeting, Dr. Xu and Dr. Kenan Zhang from EPFL organized a session on on-demand urban logistics, during which Linxuan presented his work on “Dynamic Order Fulfillment in Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery with Demand Uncertainty.” Excellent work, Linxuan!
During the TSL Business Meeting, it was announced that Dr. Xu has been selected by the Transportation Science editorial board to receive a Meritorious Service Award in recognition of his dedicated efforts as a reviewer for the journal. Remarkably, this marks the second consecutive year that Dr. Xu has been honored with this award.
Furthermore, Dr. Xu and Dr. Zhang have been awarded the TSL Cross-regional Collaborative Grant for their proposal titled “Unlocking Co-Modality in Rural Areas.” We are eager to explore the potential for utilizing postal services to enhance the accessibility of mobility services in rural areas. Stay tuned!
2023.09: Dr. Xu gave a talk @Lyft RideShare Seminar
Dr. Xu was invited for a virtual talk at Lyft RideShare Seminar. In his talk, Dr. Xu shared their recent research on “Threshold-Based Incentives for Ride-Sourcing Drivers“.
Driver incentives have become a vital tool for ride-sourcing operators in tackling supply management challenges arising from a high degree of labor flexibility and scarcity. Threshold-based incentive programs, in particular, gain popularity for their effectiveness in encouraging drivers to extend their working hours. In such programs, drivers receive monetary rewards upon successfully completing specific supply tasks within predefined timeframes. In our research, we undertake a comprehensive analysis utilizing a vast ride-sourcing dataset to delve into the implications of threshold-based incentives on supply management and the welfare of drivers. This research has led to two publications in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies [URL1, URL2].
2023.08: New publication at TR Part C
Our paper Threshold-Based Incentives for Ride-Sourcing Drivers: Implications on Supply Management and Welfare Effects is accepted at Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. [URL]
2023.08: Bhagyashree has successfully defended her master’s thesis
Bhagyashree has successsfully defended her master’s thesis, titled “Towards Equitable Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption: A Structural Framework and Empirical Analysis” [URL]. In this thesis, she proposes to identify key EV equity indicators and their corresponding factors from various sources and develop an equity relationship framework to evaluate EV equity. Further, by matching the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) data to the US census data, she runs numerical analyses to assess the availability and accessibility of EV charging facilities in different communities in space. Numerous managerial and policy recommendations related to EV infrastructure and programs in the field are reviewed for their feasibility, efficiency, effectiveness for the disadvantaged populations.
Bhagyashree joined our program at the George Washington University in Fall 2021 as a master’s student with a concentration in Transportation Engineering. Before joining GW, she had been a faculty member in Civil Engineering at the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology in India for seven years. She overcame all the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and transitioned overseas now as a student at GW. I believe her persistent attitude and zeal to explore will warrant her competitiveness in the future study, research, and career in the field of transportation. Wish her all the best on her future journey!