2024.01: Dr Xu’s participation at 2024 TRBAM

At the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting, Dr. Xu presided a lectern session titled “Network Modeling in the Era of Shared Mobility” sponsored by AEP40 – Network Modeling Committee. The session spanned an informative 1 hour and 45 minutes and featured 10 captivating talks. The presented talks addressed the array of challenges and opportunities that emerge with new shared mobility services, using both traditional and emerging modes of transportation. It was a filled room with hundreds of engaged attendees from start to finish. The session is quite a success, offering valuable insights into the forefront of shared mobility research and practice.

Additionally, Dr. Xu and Dr. Xiaotong Sun from HKUST, Guangzhou, showcased their work through a poster presentation titled “Economic Analysis of On-Street Parking with Urban Delivery”. This research emphasizes the distinct effects that deliverers have on curb parking and evaluates the effectiveness of managerial measures commonly employed in this domain.