2023.09: Dr. Xu gave a talk @Lyft RideShare Seminar

Dr. Xu was invited for a virtual talk at Lyft RideShare Seminar. In his talk, Dr. Xu shared their recent research on “Threshold-Based Incentives for Ride-Sourcing Drivers“.

Driver incentives have become a vital tool for ride-sourcing operators in tackling supply management challenges arising from a high degree of labor flexibility and scarcity. Threshold-based incentive programs, in particular, gain popularity for their effectiveness in encouraging drivers to extend their working hours. In such programs, drivers receive monetary rewards upon successfully completing specific supply tasks within predefined timeframes. In our research, we undertake a comprehensive analysis utilizing a vast ride-sourcing dataset to delve into the implications of threshold-based incentives on supply management and the welfare of drivers. This research has led to two publications in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies [URL1, URL2].

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