Online Learning Initiative Grant. In Spring 2014 I received a grant from GW’s Online Learning Initiative (OLI) to create an online course. As part of the grant, instructors completed a series of workshops in online teaching and pedagogy practices led by the Teaching and Learning Collaborative. An instructional designer worked 1:1 with instructors to develop their course platform.
eTeaching Workshop Core Certificate. In 2011 I completed the requirements for an eTeaching Workshop Core Certificate from GW's Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL). As part of the requirements for the certificate I participated in 5 eTeaching workshops including: Implementing eTeaching Part I, eTeaching with Audio and Visuals, eTeaching with Animation and Video, Online Asynchronous Interaction, and Online Synchronous Interaction.
FLC, Jr. In Spring 2011 I was selected for and participated in GW's Faculty Learning Community for Junior Faculty (FLC, Jr.). The FLC, Jr. provided faculty with a supportive environment while working on a variety of teaching skills to strengthen our effectiveness as instructors.
Teaching Mentorship Program. In Fall 2008, I assisted in developing and implementing a Teaching Mentorship Program and served as the first mentor instructor under this program. My responsibilities in this role included mentoring trainees on methodology, procedures, course materials, lecture development, student assessment, the use of Blackboard in the classroom, and addressing student concerns. In Spring 2009, I co-authored and was awarded a grant for the Teaching Mentorship Program from the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Maryland.
Previous Teaching Experience. Prior to my current position at GW I taught undergraduate courses in the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland including: Classroom Assessment and Measurement (EDMS 410) and Introductory Statistics (EDMS 451). In 2008, I received a Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award from the Center for Teaching Excellence at The University of Maryland for my contribution as an instructor.
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award. In 2008 I received a Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award from The Center of Teaching Excellence at The University of Maryland.