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CULI 1810 Student Feedback

"This class is one of my favorite classes at GW! It's useful for everyone, regardless of if you have a background in science / nutrition. Prior to this course, I knew how to cook healthy, but this class taught me creative ways to EASILY make my everyday diet substantially healthier. You should take this course if you like to cook and are interested in diversifying the recipes that you usually cook."

"I definitely recommend this course for public health and/or pre-med students because it shows you a different perspective to medicine that isn't covered in your undergraduate or graduate studies. I think this class is a great elective for anyone that wants to spend a few hours a week cooking instead of being in a lecture."

"This was a fun class with great guest speakers and a focus on real life implications as well as realistic lifestyle changes. Be prepared to put in the work for assigned projects and papers."

"I definitely recommend this course to anyone regardless of if you are interested in a career in medicine or not. Food is a necessity for all, and it is essential for everyone to be aware about how to prepare nutritious meals in efficient ways. We learn about cooking techniques, healthy foods, and overall how food is medicine!"

"This class was the one class I looked forward to every week. It was enjoyable that we were able to learn, cook, and then share our meals with the class. I learned to take a look at what foods I am actually eating and how they impact my health."

"I am really happy that I took this class. I would say that some advice is to start working on the projects early so the workload does not all pile up. Also, reading the recipes before class helped me stay on top of everything during the actual cooking in class. Because of the class, I find myself thinking about how I could make my own diet more like the Mediterranean diet and healthier and more satiating. I learned a lot of knife skills (I especially appreciate the bell pepper cutting technique)."

"Overall a great experience. The environment is super friendly, open to learning and discussion mistakes, rather than being punished for the mistakes that are made. Overall stress free environment, a fun pre-med related escape for pre-med students, or anyone in general. This material can be related to careers or everyday life, so it is a great way to spend your time. Highly recommended!"

"Overall, I really enjoyed the course. I cook for myself normally so I thought I had nothing to learn but there were techniques that I had never had the opportunity to do before. Like I had never deveined shrimp or kneaded dough before and now I know."

"This is such a topical course and more and more is coming out about how food a bad health are connected. My job has exposed me to a lot of these issues but having a course for undergrads is such an amazing thing and it was very valuable and so fun."