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GWIC Events

The GW Innovation Center is dedicated to providing students with the skills and techniques they need to become at-home innovators. For the past few semesters, the GWIC has done this through a variety of workshops and outreach programs. Our Make-A-Thing Fridays have given students a chance to unwind and learn about prototyping and creative problem solving.

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent closure of campus access, in-person workshops are not viable. Luckily, the GWIC team has been working hard all summer to develop the same, immersive experience online. Our Make-A-Things will be more focused, with a detailed schedule for the semester in the works, and require only easily attainable resources.

The GWIC has also begun work on a few new features to facilitate at-home innovation. First, we are implementing a Make-A-Thing follow-up session, where students can consult with our experienced staff and work on their own personal projects. Next, we have begun developing a bi-weekly podcast where we interview GW students, alumni, and associates to gain insight into their experiences and successes. Finally, we are excited to introduce GWIC Movie nights, where we will share important films and discuss them afterwards.

We look forward to this upcoming semester, and we are excited to welcome you into the GWIC community.