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The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) is seeking proposals for its 2025 Annual Meeting, "Reaffirming Higher Education's Public Purpose," addressing current challenges in higher education. The Annual Meeting will be January 22-24, 2025, in Washington, DC.

Submit proposals by July 31, 2024. More information available here

...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 2025 AAC&U Annual Meeting"

ENGAGE! Journal is seeking submissions for its November issue focused on housing and homelessness. The deadline for article submissions is September 15th, 2024.

ENGAGE! is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research from community-university collaborations, advancing community engaged and community-based participatory research.

GW faculty interested in submitting should note that the journal welcomes contributions from social program developers, grassroots innovators, policy leaders, activists, community and faith-based service providers, and scholars. For detailed submission guidelines, visit

...continue reading "Call for Papers: ENGAGE! Issue on Housing and Homelessness"

Campus Compact is accepting proposals for their Compact25 national conference, themed "Uniting through Public Purpose: Coalition Building for Impact." The conference will explore contemporary challenges and innovative approaches related to civic engagement and public service in higher education.

Proposals are due September 27, 2024. Interested GW faculty and administrators can submit session proposals through Campus Compact's online application portal. Proposals should align with the conference theme and contribute to racial justice, equity, and inclusion goals. ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: Campus Compact Compact25 Conference"

The National Center for Science and Civic Engagement (NCSCE) is hosting its annual SENCER Summer Institute online from August 1-4, 2024. This year's theme is "Humanizing STEM: Higher Education's Role in Realizing the Social Contract for Science." The institute aims to change academic culture and deliver on the social contract between science and democratic society.

GW faculty interested in presenting should submit proposals for lightning talks featuring projects that exemplify SENCER strategies by July 10, 2024.

Registration to attend the Institute is also open. Same link as above.

...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 2024 SENCER Summer Institute"

The Journal of Clinical and Translational Science is seeking manuscripts for a special issue on "Institutional Transformation to Support Community-Based Participatory Research and Patient- and Community-Engaged Research." Submissions are due by June 30, 2024 via the journal's ScholarOne submission site.

This special issue aims to explore how institutions can better support community-engaged research approaches. CCPH Deputy Director Paige Castro-Reyes will serve as a guest editor for this themed issue.

More information available here.

North Carolina Community Engagement Administrators Conference is hosting its annual 2024 conference. They are calling for proposals for this year's conference themed Hope in the Face of High Waters and Headwinds: Deepening Engagement in Challenging  Times.  The conference will take place on June 13, 2024 in North Carolina. Submissions will be accepted until April 26, 2024. Click here to learn more and register.

AAC&U is calling for proposals for their 2024 Conference on Global Learning. The conference will take place October 24-26, 2024 in Washington DC. Proposals are due May 10, 2024. Click here to learn more.

This year the conference sessions will focus on:

  • Including all students in global learning;
  • Making the case for global learning at all levels: disciplinary, program, and institutional;
  • Advancing collaborative research to address global challenges through student learning;
  • Defining and framing global learning to meet local and global realities;
  • Integrating institutional inclusion efforts with global learning;
  • Exploring global learning in diverse international contexts;
  • Embedding and integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Engaging and exploring belonging for international students with recognition of their individuality and intersectionality;
  • Exploring ways of integrating technology in global learning to improve the quality of learning and global engagement for students;
  • Connecting intercultural skills and cultural humility to student learning in academic and applied learning opportunities.

United Against Inequities in Disease (UAID) is a national nonprofit organization empowering students to reduce health inequities in their communities. Join them for their upcoming day-long virtual conference on April 13th, 2024. The theme of the conference is Underserved Patient Populations. They will discuss barriers that minority patient populations face when accessing healthcare. Through the work of our speakers and community projects, the conference aims to bring attention to these obstacles and how the community will address them as future healthcare and public health professionals. They are also accepting abstracts and poster submissions. Click here to learn more and register. Click here to submit an abstract or poster.

The 7th Community-Based Global Learning Summit will be hosted this November from the 8th-10th at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. The topic is "Collaboration for a Better World: Global Learning, Hope, and Justice".  The summit's sub themes are "The work and challenge of supporting transformative, ethical community-based global learning through student engagement and outcomes", "Best practices, program models, and ethical approaches for global community-based global learning and community-campus partnerships", and "Impact of community-based global learning and engagement on larger systems (e.g. epistemic justice, civic engagement, inequality, climate justice, educational systems, etc.)". Click here for the full call for proposals. Proposals are due March 29th, 2024. 


Do you have questions about the session proposal process? Join the CUMU team to learn more about the CUMU Conference and ask your questions about becoming a conference presenter in advance of the April 3 submission deadline.

CUMU Conference Proposal Open Office Hours

Wednesday, March 20, 2 p.m. ET, Zoom


Metropolitan Universities  Journal is accepting submissions for an issue on Exploring the Role of Higher Education in Prison and Returning Citizens on Campuses and Communities. This issue will have guest editors Darren Wheelock and Theresa Tobin from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. Manuscripts must be submitted by May 1st, 2024. This issue is scheduled for publication in December 2024/January 2025. Click here to learn more.

The latest issue (Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023) of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE) is now online, along with a call for manuscripts for Volumen 12 (2024).

Published annually, the IJRSLCE is the scholarly journal of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE).

The call for manuscripts for Volume 12 (2024) is now open. Please see this announcement or the "For Authors" section of the Journal website for details.

Table of Contents below...

...continue reading "New Issue: Intl. Journal of Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement"

The 2024 CUMU Impact Fellowship will provide one awardee with $5,000 to write a state-of-the-field report and provide leadership to CUMU's membership on initiatives related to impact in community engagement and/or regional impact. Prospective fellows should bring their own expertise and experience to bear in order to propose a project that leverages their strengths. Proposals are due January 8, 2024.

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: CUMU Impact Fellowship Deadline Approaching"

Submit a 50-minute session or poster presentation for the 2024 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) National Meeting, which will be held from June 5-7 in Detroit, Michigan.  Proposals are due February 5th. ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 2024 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) National Meeting"

Know an undergrad conducting research which focuses on challenges facing society with regard to equity and inclusion and historically marginalized and under-represented communities? If yes, please share this image, click on the QR code to submit a proposal for presentation at the 2024 Scholarship & Social Justice Undergraduate Research Conference. The conference will be held on the campus of Harvard University on April 18th & 19th, 2024. Any questions: email Varsha,
