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EPICS is a service-learning in engineering design program in which teams of students partner with local and global community organizations to address human, community, and environmental needs.

2023 EPICS and Community-Engagement Workshop on Jun 22-23,2023 at Morgan State University, Baltimore Maryland (USA)

Share your community engagement efforts, and hear what others are doing to help students learn technical and professional skills in authentic multidisciplinary design experiences.


Topics include:

  • Community-engaged learning
  • Reflection and critical thinking
  • Reciprocal partnerships
  • Design thinking and human-centered design
  • Assessing student learning
  • Professional development
  • Supporting projects through multi-semesters/quarters, managing transitions,
  • Retaining students
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Multidisciplinary learning and teams
  • Building institutional support
  • Fundraising
  • Global partnerships and experiences
  • Multi-institutional projects

Interested in opportunities for theme discussions and breakout sessions? Please contact:

Hosted by Morgan State University

Sponsored by the EPICS University Consortium ( and EPICS in IEEE ( .


Campus Compact is now accepting proposals for the Compact24 national conference. We seek proposals that explore our theme: Now is the moment: Higher Education Civic and Community Engagement as the Way Forward.

Proposals Due September 8th.

Sessions should balance learning exchange, contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and represent a multiplicity of perspectives. Here are some examples of what Compact24 sessions could look like:

  • Dialogue session grounded on a critical question in the field
  • Workshop focused on sharing knowledge for practical application
  • Roundtable discussion to workshop ideas or gather feedback
  • Promising practice session highlighting effective approaches
  • and many more!

Learn more and start your proposal →

GW is a member of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities and the Nashman Center highly recommends these professional development opportunities (our staff are involved in several).

CUMU Huddles are informal, virtual learning communities designed to build professional relationships across the CUMU membership around issues and topics that matter most to our urban and metropolitan campuses and communities.

Lead: Emily Janke, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Next Session: May 30, 1–2 p.m. (ET), Zoom

Lead: Amber Gonzalez, Sacramento State University
Next Session: June 5, 4–5 p.m. (ET), Zoom

Lead: Jennifer Kebea, Campus Philly
Next Session: June 8, 12:30–2 p.m. (ET), Zoom

Lead: Viridiana Diaz, California State University San Marcos
Next Session: June 21, 12–1:30 p.m. (ET), Zoom


Annual Conference Community Experiences & Pre-Conference Workshops announced

Join CUMU in Washington D.C., October 15–18, for our annual conference—Resilient Campuses. Resilient Cities. We’re proud to partner with local CUMU members and partners to offer Pre-Conference Workshops and Community Experiences. Pre-registration is required.

Read on for descriptions of the Pre-Conference Workshops (Oct. 16) and the Community Experiences (Oct. 17th). Community Experiences are terrific opportunities to meet in the community to learn more about innovative campus-community partnerships .

Pre-Conference Workshops, October 16

Advancing Institutional Infrastructure for World-Class Engagement: The Pitt Model
LEAD FACILITATOR: Lina Dostilio, University of Pittsburgh

Development and Fundraising for Community-Engaged Projects
LEAD FACILITATOR: Gavin Luter, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Emerging Trends and Innovations in College Student Mental Health
LEAD FACILITATOR: Dana Humphrey, Mary Christie Institute

Getting Started in Advocacy for Students’ Basic Needs Security
LEAD FACILITATOR: Thomas Hilliard, Temple University

Women’s Social & Economic Mobility: Career Advancement and Leadership through an Equity Lens
LEAD FACILITATOR: Gloria Thomas, HERS Network

Community Experiences, October 17

Anacostia High School and UDC: Inspiring and Facilitating Future Climate Change Leaders

HOSTED BY: University of the District of Columbia

Early College Academy: Strengthening the High School to College Transition

HOSTED BY: Trinity Washington University

Georgetown’s Prisons and Justice Initiative: Responding to Mass Incarceration with Education

HOSTED BY: Georgetown University

Life Pieces to Masterpieces: A Story of Transformative Partnership and Action

HOSTED BY: George Washington University

We’re All In: Martha’s Table Charters New Path as a Community-Led Organization

HOSTED BY: American University

Metropolitan Universities journal updates

Recently published

Vol. 34 No. 2: The Pedagogy of Place-Based Initiatives and Anchor Institutions

Guest editors: Patrick M. Green and Susan Haarman, Loyola University Chicago

Open calls for manuscripts

Metropolitan Universities journal accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis on scholarship and research relevant to our urban and metropolitan campuses and communities. Review our Aims and Scope for more information. Submit Complete Manuscript

Productive Tensions and Uncomfortable Conversations

Guest editors: Matthew Durington, Towson University; Katherine Feely, John Carroll University; and Jen Britton, Drexel University

Complete manuscripts due: August 1

From our friends with the Community-based Global Learning Collaborative…
The Collaborative is launching phase one of our public writing project, Higher Education for the World We Need. The first installment is The Change is in the Work: Transgressing Bureaucratic Violence through Spaces of Possibility by Erica Kohl-Arenas, Faculty Director of Imagining America. Grab your coffee and give yourself the Friday morning reflective read you deserve. It’s an excellent kick off to this series. The series will continue on Friday mornings here. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage if you want to be sure to catch any updates.
  • There’s still time to register and join us June 7th-9th at Lehigh University's Mountaintop Campus for The Collaborative Unconference. Register by May 26 (it’s affordable!).
  • Interested in using the Global Solidarity, Local Actions Toolkit in your co-curricular programming or courses? Join the Toolkit workshop, in person at Lehigh, the afternoon of June 7, before the unconference kicks off.
  • Save the Date: Collaborative Gathering at Haverford College, November 10 and 11, 2023, focused on Stepping into the Work: Expanding Understanding of Global Positionality, Responsibility, and Opportunity.

The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities is hosting it's annual conference from October 15-18th in Washington, DC. Register here.  ...continue reading "Register Now: CUMU Conference on “Resilient Campuses- Resilient Cities” held in DC"

The 23rd SENCER Summer Institute will be held on-line August 3-6, 2023. The Institute will be centered on: SCIENCE EDUCATION, DEMOCRACY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: BUILDING THE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE. Register here.  Deadline to submit proposals is July 7th.  Submit proposals here. 

Meeting Description and Registration Information ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: SENCER Summer Institute 2023"

Registration and the Request for Proposals for the 2023 IARSLCE Conference are now open! For more details, visit their website.

The conference will be held from Oct. 25-27 at Tulane University. ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 2023 IARSLCE Conference: Redefining Research, Access, & Inclusion in SLCE"

The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Brown Bag Series is a series of short, interactive workshops to improve your community-academic partnerships with real-world examples and opportunities to practice. Please join our interactive learning space, and contribute your expertise to a growing knowledge base of community engagement to achieve health equity and social justice.

Register for the free Educational Partnerships for Innovations in Communities Network virtual conference June 12 - 14, 2023. You can register here:

...continue reading "Register Now: Free EPIC-N Conference on Connecting Local Governments and Universities"

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement is hosting their 2023 conference themed Redefining Research, Access, & Inclusion in SLCE. Join SLCE in furthering accessibility to service-learning and community engagement. The conference will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana from October 25-27, 2023. Registration and proposal requests will open on May 1, 2023. Click here to learn more and register.

Come and learn about Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER). The SENCER approach to learning "provides a framework for students to contextualize their education through civic and community engagement with STEM concepts where they can see the impact of their learning and make connections beyond the classroom". Register to learn more about the SENCER approach April 28th, 2023 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT). Click here to learn more and register.