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Register Now: Gannon University Community-Engaged Teaching Conference

The Gannon University Community-Engaged Teaching conference will be held June 2nd 2023 in Erie, PA from 8:00 am to 5:00pm.  Register here.

"Our conference is located in beautiful Erie, PA, and hosted at Gannon University. The day will be filled with outstanding sessions led by a diverse and experienced group of faculty and staff throughout the region. To further support our community-engaged teaching and research efforts, we invite faculty, staff, students, and community partners to share and learn best practices from our shared experiences.

We’re very proud of being able to offer this conference at a low admission cost, so we hope many of you can use the saved funds to make the trip and visit us. For those interested in coming earlier, we do also have a pre-conference event Thursday evening with our sponsor, Partners for Campus Community Engagement."