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AERA Service Learning and Experiential Podcast

"The AERA SLEE podcast, hosted weekly by Dr. Amanda Hall, Virginia Commonwealth University and Dr. Christian Winterbottom, University of North Florida, has returned. Dr. Hall and Dr. Winterbottom want to hear from community-engaged teachers, researchers, partners, and students about how individuals have adapted experiential learning and service during COVID-19; and, how professionals are using experiential education and service learning to address structural racism and issues of equity within our institutions and communities."

If you are interested in being a guest or a co-host, please complete this form.

Check out weekly episodes by joining Dr. Hall and Dr. Winterbottom's Facebook Group or subscribe to the podcast via Spotify,, or iTunes,

Dr. Hall and Dr. Winterbottom encourage attendees and listeners "to share this info with colleagues and partners!"

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