![The Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship Banner](https://engagementscholarship.org/upload/newsletter/aces-logo-2.png)
The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement has announced a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on the Challenges and Promises of Community Engagement Scholarship. The special issue co-editors are Theodore R. Alter, Susan Gust, Beth Velde, and Hiram E. Fitzgeraldl.
The editors of the special issue are particularly interested in papers that illustrate the potential and reality of how CES impacts such problems when approached through community and higher education partnerships. Read on for further information:
Community engagement scholarship (CES) focuses on ideas and raises questions that are important to communities and educational institutions. The work is carried out in a mutually beneficial, collaborative manner. Achievements include the co-creation of significant, creative, original, and conceptually-guided engagement through globally and locally relevant activities that lead to socio-political changes in society.
We invite the following types of papers: essays that illustrate thought provoking examination of current issues related to community-higher education engagement that are anchored in the literature; research articles; and "practice stories from the field" that describe the collaborative processes and outcomes of CES. The focus of the papers should include one or more of these three core domains of CES:
- Knowledge Capital. Knowledge comes from many sources and we acquire it in different ways. How does this understanding of knowledge inform the co-creation of new knowledge through CES
- The Practice of Community Engagement Scholarship. CES is a shared responsibility between diverse stakeholders that involves addressing power dynamics and engaging in reflective/reflexive practices. What practices create strong partnerships that support the co-creation of new solutions to existing problems?
- The Politics of Community Engagement. Community engagement initiatives and their outcomes are fraught with politics. These initiatives become vehicles for social and political change. How are community engagement initiatives and their outcomes impacted by politics, policies and practices within communities and higher education? How have community engagement initiatives changed socio-political relationships?
What to Submit
Prospective contributors should provide a 400 word single space abstract or summary of the proposed paper. In addition, but not counted in the word limit include the paper's title and author name(s), address, and email. In-text citations are appropriate but references need not be submitted as part of the abstract review process. Please submit:
- a fleshed-out concept of the paper or a traditional research abstract or a summary or overview of your ideas
- evidence that the paper will meet the theme for the special issue within the three domains referred to above
- evidence that the paper and/or its development represents CES
- if appropriate, explain how co-authors participated in the development of the paper in a footnote immediately following the abstract. (not included in the word count)
When and Where to Submit
Abstracts must be received by January 26 at 5:00pm EST. Please send a cover email that includes the corresponding author and a word document with the abstract, title, authors and corresponding author's contact information to Theodore R. Alter (tra2@psu.edu).
Review Process
Abstracts will be reviewed by the editorial team who are ACES members. All prospective authors will be notified of the editors' decisions regarding their abstract no later than February 28, 2020.
Submission of the Manuscript
Once an abstract is accepted, the final product must be submitted by September 1, 2020. Page length and format is flexible and at the discretion of the author(s) although papers should not exceed 35 pages inclusive of all content. Final submissions will be reviewed by community and higher education members of ACES and will follow the JHEOE review process. Authors will receive a summary of the reviewers' comments and any actions required regarding the manuscript by October 15, 2020. Deadline for revisions is November 15, 2020. The special issue is scheduled for online publication in Spring 2021.
Submit questions via email to Ted Alter (tra2@psu.edu)
Important Dates
January 25, 2020 | Deadline for Abstracts |
February 28, 2020 | Feedback to authors on Abstract |
September 1, 2020 | Deadline for product |
October 15, 2020 | Authors provided Peer Review feedback |
November 15, 2020 | Deadline for revisions (as appropriate) |
Spring 2021 | Publication |