All entering first year and transfer undergraduate students are take UW 1020, which is a four-credit course. UW 1020 is designated as a pre-disciplinary course: the goal is to enable students to write effectively in various contexts, within the university and beyond. Dr. Barlow's course integrates the development of writing competencies in varying contexts with a direct or indirect service learning component centered around community based research and advocacy.
Spring 2023
Students Reporting: 5
Times Reported: 5
This semester, students collaborated with Spaces in Action. Spaces in Action works to dramatically improve material conditions for people struggling to make ends meet in the United States, and we have a 15-year plan to do so. Their goal is to fuse the power of organized people, bold ideas, and political clout — a three-dimensional power that they believe is the recipe for an economy and democracy where everyone has the freedom to thrive. Students worked closely with Spaces and Action to learn about the difficulties faced by disenfranchised peoples and produce scholarly writing advocating for social justice.
For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:
Student Quotes:
"I got to briefly speak to Representative Ilhan Omar, who represents Minnesota, after she also spoke in front of the crowd. She was an impassioned speaker, but a moment that truly stood out to me was when she spoke about a republican from her own state, who stated that he “doesnt know and has not met a single person in Minnesota who is hungry.” She passionately corrected that statement and said “there are 300,000 Minnesotans who are food insecure every single day… We fight for the American people. No child will go hungry on our watch.” I really almost cried, but wrote down her quote in my notes app so I wouldn’t forget it. I was only at the protest for about an hour since I had to get to class, but the message given and the strength presented by those in attendance was inspiring and unforgettable. I’ve been to quite a few rallies and protests in DC, and every time I am left both emotionally drained, but also hopeful for the future, seeing people come together to care about one another and their communities."
"I learned a significant amount the different types of experiences parents have and how difficult it is to care for a child, especially if other obstacles, such as socioeconomic or financial, present themselves. I also reinforced the importance of active listening and how it can help an individual connect not only with what the other is saying but also allows for the speaker to feel heard and cared for."