EPICS is a service-learning in engineering design program in which teams of students partner with local and global community organizations to address human, community, and environmental needs.
2023 EPICS and Community-Engagement Workshop on Jun 22-23,2023 at Morgan State University, Baltimore Maryland (USA)
Share your community engagement efforts, and hear what others are doing to help students learn technical and professional skills in authentic multidisciplinary design experiences.
INFO & REGISTRATION: https://cvent.me/317KrY
Topics include:
- Community-engaged learning
- Reflection and critical thinking
- Reciprocal partnerships
- Design thinking and human-centered design
- Assessing student learning
- Professional development
- Supporting projects through multi-semesters/quarters, managing transitions,
- Retaining students
- Diversity and inclusion
- Multidisciplinary learning and teams
- Building institutional support
- Fundraising
- Global partnerships and experiences
- Multi-institutional projects
Interested in opportunities for theme discussions and breakout sessions? Please contact: epics-university@purdue.edu.
Hosted by Morgan State University
Sponsored by the EPICS University Consortium (https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/EPICS/university) and EPICS in IEEE (https://epics.ieee.org/) .