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Funding Opportunities: GW Equity Institute Seed Grants

On behalf of the George Washington University Institute for Racial, Ethnic and Socioeconomic Equity (the Equity Institute), we write to share with you two new rounds of seed grant opportunities funded by the GWU Equity Institute!

  • Round 3 will fund research proposals on topics related to "Race and Technology."
  • Round 4 will fund interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty and community partners from two or more GWU colleges/schools or programs.

Proposals are due by COB on May 24, 2023. You will find the due dates and further details below. Apply here. 

Since the launch of the Equity Institute Initiative in 2021, we have provided seed funding to 10 faculty researchers across the university to support projects on racial and socioeconomic justice. You can read about past Equity Institute grantees here. Our grant recipients tell us that our focused efforts to fund community-engaged research are helping to support and strengthen their work because we fund projects that are:
Fully aligned with the Equity Institute's Mission and Vision; and
Reflect authentic community partnerships and the best practices of community-based participatory research; and
Demonstrate a promising research and publication agenda as well as a strong potential to attract external funding
Innovation and collaboration are at the very core of the Equity Institute’s mission, and our seed grant funding is a shining example of both supporting faculty research and community-engaged research partnerships that help inform laws, policies, and tangible advances in social justice.

The seed grants will be awarded to outstanding applicants demonstrating research merit (Equity Vision), originality in experimental design, and community partnership/need.

Below, you will find important application information for your review.

Application Details

Round 3:
Research Focus: “Race & Technology”
Award Amount: One grant of up to $75,000

Round 4:
Research Focus: “Partners in Equity Research: GWU Partnered Collaborations”
Award Amount: Three grants of up to $15,000 each

Here are some important dates for you to remember:

● Grants Announced and Available: April 26, 2023
● Application Deadline: May 24, 2023
● Awardees Notified: June 1, 2023
● Disbursement Date: June 9, 2023

To apply, the following documents are required:

· Application Form;
· Seed Grant Project Agreement;
· and Seed Funding Project Proposal Form

For consideration, please complete the online application form and send a copy of the Project Proposal and Project Agreement forms via email to Alesha Garvin, Project Manager,