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Ready for Spring Courses

Course Support Resources

Resources such as sample syllabus language and a step-by-step guide to managing your own GWServes course page is available here. Please reach out if you need additional support, such as:
  • Identifying more community partner projects for students
  • Course design considerations
  • Connecting assignments to community engagement
  • Rubrics for evaluating reflection assignments
  • Facilitating reflection discussions in the classroom

Your GWServes Course Page

Use this online space to share service opportunities with students and have them report their service projects back to you. Find your page via this link, login (GW single sign-on), and use the "My Activity" menu to choose "Classes." Once you have found your course page, share the link to THAT page with students.

The Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship

Thursday, January 26th, 2:30-4pm, Register here
This event is designed to prepare students who are about to serve with the comunity this semester through a course. Share the registration link with your students and encourage their participation. The event will feature leaders of community serving organizations, faculty, and students, discussing how to make this the best possible learning experience for all involved. The event concludes with time to circulate and network so students can have one-on-one conversations with community partners about their service opportunities. You are welcome to use/alter the following language in your syllabus:

"It is important that community engagement is done with empathy, intention, and personal reflection. We will aim for a strong start this semester by joining the Nashman Center's Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship. This event features leaders of local community serving organizations and students who served through a course last semester. The event is Thursday, January 26th, 2:30-4pmPlease register at this link so the Nashman Center will be able to confirm your attendance. Notify me as soon as possible if your schedule does not allow you to attend. I will share a pre-reflection paper as an alternate assignment."

Nashman Center Course Guides 

Course Guides are Nashman Center student staff who support you and your students. You or your students can email them by clicking the "Contact" button on your GWServes course page. Your course guide will reach out to you early next week to set up time to meet and discuss how they can support you this semester. For example:
  • Field student questions about how to find service opportunities or how to report their service activities in GWServes
  • Distribute and collect Liability Release Agreement Forms for you
  • Regularly review student service reports and alert the instructor to any problems or reflections that should be addressed.
  • Communicate with community partners to ensure the student projects are meeting their expectations and going to plan
  • Collect anecdotes, photos or other artifacts from your students and community partners to help us better describe the impact of your course for partners and student learning
  • Forward your students information about additional Nashman Center opportunities, like the Clinton Global Initiative, student grant opportunities, or the Knapp Fellowship program.

Support for Students

Please direct students to the recently updated resources for students in Community Engaged Scholarship Courses, available here: 
These resources include:
  • Student Guide to Community Engaged Scholarship Courses
  • Student Guide to Reporting Course Based Service Projects on GWServes
  • Navigating the DC Public School background check process
  • Community Engaged Scholarship Publication Outlets for Students