The International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement is continuing a virtual webinar series for mid-career community engagement professionals on October 3rd 2022 at 1:30pm ET. Registration link
This webinar format is based on the principles of "Community of Practice," where a group of people share a common interest or concern, and come together to share their approaches and experiences. In the process, they create new knowledge to advance the field.Participants will briefly revisit the CEP Competency Model (Dostilio et al, 2017) as a framework for guiding the reflective discussion. Breakout room facilitators will invite participants to share insights, stories, problems of practice, and questions to illuminate common themes of motivation, tension, and aspiration across mid-career CEPs’ experiences. Participants will also crowdsource resources, strategies, and insights to support them in envisioning and advancing change. This session is geared toward mid-career CEPs and is a follow up to the panel discussion held on September 16, but participants are not required to have attended the panel. recording of first panel