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Call for Submissions: Special Issue of Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labor

The journal editors invite you to contribute to a special issue of Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labor focusing on the work of Third Space professionals in the academy.

The CFP with more details is attached and can also be found online here: Initial proposals are due at the end of June 2022; final articles are due March 2023.

Third Space is a category Celia Whitchurch uses to describe forms of labor that fall between (and therefore disrupt) the strict binary between “academic” and “non-academic” work. Labor in the Third Space is found in diverse areas of the institution, such as academic advising, writing programs and centers, quantitative reasoning centers, honors programs and fellowships, first-year experience and transitions programs, women’s and LGBTQ centers, accessibility resources, community engagement centers, and teaching and learning centers among others. Due to their illegibility, Third Space professionals often fall outside support and governance structures of the academy and are often subject to various forms of cultural marginalization. This issue is an attempt to connect and conceptualize these diverse forms of labor across the academy.