Join Author Mark Warren for the first installment of the Cross-Disciplinary Research Team's Education and Inequality Research Colloquium Series.
Warren will discuss the history of the movement, illustrating how Black and Brown parents and students organized locally to challenge racist school discipline policies and policing practices and built a national movement with the power to begin to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. Jonathan Stith will lift up stories and lessons that connect to the police-free schools movement today, highlighting the role of young people at the forefront of efforts to transform schools towards authentic education and liberation.
Mark R. Warren is Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs at the University of Massachusetts Boston and author of the new book, Willful Defiance: The Movement to Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline.
Jonathan Stith is director of the Alliance for Educational Justice and co-director of the National Campaign for Police-Free Schools.
This event is co-sponsored by American University and GW's Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Register for the event here.