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Call for Proposals: Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL), in partnership with the Haas Center for Public Service and UC-Berkeley Public Service Center, invites proposals for a special section that explores the impact of postsecondary efforts that involve students in public service and civic engagement on the development of healthy civic identities. The section will be included in the Summer 2023 issue of MJCSL.

Articles are encouraged to contribute to the core commitments and building blocks of healthy civic identity that are further described here. Potential authors may also respond to these or other questions:

  • How is developing a healthy civic identity related to other student learning outcomes such as moral and ethical development, critical thinking or self-reflection, critical information literacy, development of historical knowledge(s), etc.?
  • Efforts to achieve social justice, and racial justice in particular, are inextricably linked to the strength and perpetuity of liberal democracy. In what ways are these connections made explicit as students form civic identities? What are examples of programs/institutions that effectively connect social justice work with the cultivation of civic identity?
  • What programs are shown to be effective in cultivating healthy civic identities among diverse student populations (or students across diverse educational institutions)? What are promising practices in assessing the development of civic identities?
  • How have educational institutions distinguished between civic learning and partisan politics?

TO SUBMIT: Before submitting, thoroughly review MJCSL’s proposal guidelines. The guest editors welcome abstracts via email for informal feedback; please inquire before May 30, 2022. 

Full proposals for the special section are due July 1, 2022 and should be emailed to If contributors are invited to submit full manuscripts based on their proposal, the manuscript will be due December 1, 2022.