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Call for Submissions: Special Issue of Open Words

Open Words: Access and English Studies, one of the journals hosted by the WAC Clearinghouse, invites submissions for possible inclusion in a special issue on the subject of grant writing.

Areas of interest for this special journal issue include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- In what ways can we connect grant writing to issues of access?
- In what way is grant writing a constructed experience? What constructs, constraints, opportunities, etc. are in operation?
- What aspects of teaching grant writing need “debriefing”? How can we “take into account what interactions with students teach us about the broader, democratic goals of open-access and English studies”
- Does online and/or f2f teaching have implications for access?
- How does grant writing meet the Open Words stated goal of English studies, “to empower students’ critical and creative endeavors”?

-500 word proposal submitted to editors (see below): March 15, 2022
-Decision Deadline and Invitation to submit full manuscript: April 1, 2022
-Full Version: August 1, 2022
-Final Version: November 1, 2022

Submit manuscripts in digital format (Microsoft Word) via email addressed
to both:
-Catherine Quick Schumann, Associate Professor of English
-Charles “Chuck” Etheridge, Professor of English