This Nashman Center's Deepening Partnerships event with the Latin American Youth Center will connect students, faculty, and LAYC staff in dialogue about our shared aims. Our collective goal is to practice active and empathic listening, deepen relationships, and honor our collective knowledge, experience and perspectives as we co-create our partnerships and initiatives.
February 25, 2022, noon-1:30pm
Hosted by the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service
Partner: Latin American Youth Center
We look forward to gathering the LAYC staff, and GW students, faculty, and administrators to envision our ideal ways of working together as we move forward into the new year. In advance of this event, we ask all participants to familiarize themselves with the existing LAYC-GW initiatives this year, so everyone will have a sense of who is at the table.
engageDC: Co-curricular Service
This student-led Nashman Center program engages ten GW students in weekly service with the LAYC, doing both direct service and capacity-building projects as directed by the LAYC staff.
This Nashman Center program collects donations from departments across campus to provide funding for holiday gifts. The LAYC provides the connections needed to distribute gifts to families.
Knapp Fellowship Project: Youth Air Quality Initiative
The Knapp Fellowship provides funding for student initiated social innovation projects. This year, three public health students, Catherine O’Donnell, Elizabeth Mason, and Perrin Krisko, are partnering with the LAYC to engage youth in researching air quality in order to advocate for change.
Each year, several GW courses engage students with the LAYC in projects that connect to coursework. Some courses have students serve directly with community members (tutoring for example) through LAYC programs. Other courses require students to complete capacity building projects as identified by the LAYC staff. Some of these have involved grant writing, and creating workshops and toolkits on teen mental health.
HSSJ 1177: Organizing for Social Justice
HSSJ 2171: Child & Adolescent Development
HSSJ 2170: Professional Relationships and Human Services
HSSJ 3110W: Nonprofit Management
PUBH 2117: Service Learning in Public Health
SPAN 3570: Women Writers Spain/Latin America
UW 1020: Writing and Social Justice