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IARSLCE Publications of the Year Address Decolonizing Service-Learning and Allyship

For the first time, IARSLCE is recognizing a Publication of the Year to celebrate the author(s) of a single published scholarly article, book chapter, book, or book series that has had a significant impact on the study and/or practice of service-learning and community engagement.

The Publication of the Year is awarded to Dr. Elizabeth Yomantas of Pepperdine University for her chapter “Decolonizing Knowledge and Fostering Critical Allyship,” which appears in the book Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education (Parson & Ozaki, 2020). The piece, focused on a teaching and learning experience in Fiji, expands the boundaries of service-learning by designing experiential learning programs based on the indigenous research paradigm, culturally responsive methodologies, and critical pedagogy for service-learning courses in international settings.

Aurora Santiago-Ortiz, a PhD candidate in Social Justice Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is the finalist for the award authoring a “breakthrough publication” in the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, “From Critical to Decolonizing Service-Learning: Limits and Possibilities of Social Justice-Based Approaches to Community Service-Learning.” (LINK)

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