By Gali Laska, Talia Feldman-Schwartz, Abby Care, Andres Perez, and Amelia Zehnder for the Fall 2020 Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship (HSSJ 1177)
This group worked alongside Under 3 DC to help strengthen their work as a whole. Under 3 DC is an organization that works to harness the voices of parents with young children to provide an equitable early childhood system.
This project was part of Dr. Gretchen Van der Veer’s HSSJ 1177: Organizing Social Justice and Human Services. Students in this course learn theories of community organizing and social justice while engaging in service-learning with DC-based advocacy and action organizations.
Please be sure to cast your vote for the Symposium for Community Engaged Scholarship Audience Choice Award. You are welcome to post comments and questions below.
Thanks for this presentation learned so much about the initiative. I am curious to know how this service work and research impacted your own understanding of early childhood education- did you come in with assumptions about what you might learn-did those change over the semester?
Wonderful job! I love the various capacity-building tasks you did for them--from creating relevant news source lists to forming a database of similar coalitions to logo/swag design to story-collecting and media strategies. You all did a great job supporting their work, and I learned things about Under 3 DC's mission I never knew!
I am curious if in your work and learning, what surprised you the most in each of your individual projects? Whether researching news stories or similar coalitions or even the most affordable swag, what was something you learned but didn't expect to throughout this process?
Also, If you are interested in continuing serving and make an impact in the Spring, consider joining engageDC at GW. Check out more at