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Latino Immigrants and Telemedicine Approaches: Knapp Fellowship Project

by Diana Aguilera

This presentation overviews my Knapp Fellowship project, which is in partnership with local Community Health Centers and explores issues related to COVID-19 and Telemedicine, particularly for members of the Latino Immigrant community. Symposium Theme: Building authentic relationships in this unique time.

Presentation Link

This presentation is submitted by Diana Aguilera, a 2020-2021 Knapp Fellow. Knapp Fellowship for Entrepreneurial Service-Learning. Knapp Fellows receive up to $10,000 to support their proposals to combine scholarly work with community action. Students, working with one or more community partners and a faculty advisor, have a full academic year to implementing their idea. Note: Applications for the 2021-2022 Knapp Fellows are due May 24, 2020 (see link above).

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2 thoughts on “Latino Immigrants and Telemedicine Approaches: Knapp Fellowship Project

  1. Amy Cohen

    Nice presentation! I think the research is so important and will improve health care going forward. The colors in the presentation were so vibrant and -- I loved the background music 🙂 Very organized and informative!
    Congratulations on an exemplary presentation!


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