The following post was written by Will Brummett, Program Manager of Co-Curricular Service in the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service.
This document is a non-partisan attempt to have a conversation to prepare people for a highly anticipated, uncertain, and potentially-volatile situation on and after election night and the week(s) afterwards. These views are my own and do not reflect the Nashman Center’s official stance.
This Election Is Different:
The 2020 election is arguably the most anticipated, anxiety-provoking, polarized, and uncertain election in our lifetimes and perhaps our nation’s history. There are many factors at once that combine to create an never-before-seen situation:
- A national pandemic has caused over 200,000 deaths and the second economic recession in the last 12-years which has led to massive unemployment.
- Due to COVID-19, there are projected record-levels of mail-in voting combined with concerns about USPS capacity.
- Rampant attempts of voter misinformation online have continued since pre-2016.
- There is a record-level of partisan political polarization.
- Acts of voter suppression and intimidation have already occurred.
Post-Election Will Look Different: The evening of November 3rd and the days following, therefore, will also be quite different than what we are used to.
- The election most-likely will not be definitely decided on election night (to count the mail in votes and verify the results). We, and our students, may be in limbo for days or weeks.
- Questions about the validity or acceptance of the election result have been raised already.
- If there is a newly-elected President, transition of power has not been agreed to openly.
- Washington D.C. is a hotspot for post-election demonstrations.
Because of the unforeseen nature of this election, it is important that both GW and ourselves prioritize the care for ourselves and our community.
Post-Election Preparedness resources:
- Personal Post-Election Preparedness Reflection Exercise document that we used to facilitate a recent Nashman Center staff discussion. Feel free to adapt and use with your students, friends, or family. It's never too early to start thinking about your individual or collective care post-election.