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This presentation describes community engaged scholarship through Dr. Tara Scully's course, BISC 1008 Understanding Organisms. Students in this course partner with local organizations to design and implement projects related to ecology.
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Great job, Ananya!
As the Program Manager for Co-Curricular Service at the Nashman Center, I can tell you that you are 100% correct that empathy and active listening skills are so essential in building trust and relationships in the community, particularly after disasters or a pandemic like COVID-19. I really was struck by your understanding of the enormous important of the question, "Who is my community?" I like how you framed the potential answers on a local, national, and global scale. For me, answering that question is a really important one to ask yourself as a young GW student because it then leads to follow-up questions like, "Who am I accountable to?" and "Who can I serve alongside or be in relationship with?" The answers to those questions then help you better determine what fields of study you may focus on, what campus or local clubs you join, or where even you look for jobs or schooling after graduation. I really appreciated your presentation and work with 7 Cups, and hope you will check out our engageDC or SMART DC programs in the Fall if you are interested in diving deeper into community engagement.
Thank you!
I felt it was important in my presentation to focus on the aspect of community. Right now, the things that I feel are important have been changing with everything going on right now, and I wanted to reflect how I think about my community. I felt my service with 7 Cups was so fulfilling because, by conversing with just one person at one time, I could help make a difference to that person. It helped me to realize how the smallest act of connecting with someone can make a difference, and if we all do it, we can help the whole community. Thank you for your suggestions, I will be sure to look into engageDC and SMART DC in the fall.
I really enjoyed your presentation and was impressed with your ability to move from the global to the particular so effectively. Sounds like your servie has been fulfilling as well
Thank you very much! I felt like my service helped me in understanding how to move from a global perspective to thinking about a single individual due to its ability to reach so many people while also only interacting with a single person at a given time.
Great presentation! I enjoyed your discussion on defining our own communities. Glad to see you were able to find a way to continue some form of service even during COVID-19.
Thank you! It's important for us to think about who our communities are because we have an impact on our communities, and we have the responsibility to make sure that the impact we have is positive.
This was a really great presentation-I had never heard about 7 cups before- do you think that you'll keep serving there beyond the course-or when campus reopens?
Thank you so much! And yes, I do think I'd want to continue serving with 7 Cups in the future. I've been continuing my service with them now and have really liked it, and especially since it is so incredibly flexible in terms of schedule, it is definitely something that I want to continue doing.