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This presentation describes a community engaged scholarship project through ISCOPES, which is a health-focused, team-based initiative that places GW students and employees from various fields of study as well as community practitioners and neighbors from around the DC Metro Area in interprofessional learning communities. ISCOPES "addresses bigger picture health issues through smarter service."
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Wonderful job! Your presentation shows your commitment to sharing knowlege and promoting healthier lifestyles throughout DC. I also enjoyed hearing about your ability to learn and grow from your service.
Thank you for your comment! Our team had an enriching experience.
Nice presentation. Even though ISCOPES is a multi-disciplinary program that brings students from a variety of academic disciplines together, it seemed that you enjoyed working with each other ("Team Bonding at the National Zoo" picture). I enjoyed hearing about how "GW volunteers were able to contribute their knowledge of academic and career interests to session topics." I've learned more about ISCOPES this year, but will you continue to work with each other in the future? Or do you change groups?
Your presentation highlights a commitment to peer collaboration and to community building across academic and professional disciplines.
Several in our team will be graduating this Spring 2020, however the opportunity collaborating with ISCOPES allowed us to develop into lifelong colleagues and friends. While new volunteers are recruited each academic year, often a few who have volunteered return to be a team leaders.
Thank you for your comments!
It seems like the diversity of knowledge in your team was helpful in developing a more robust program. Wonderful job! Thanks for sharing your great work!
Thank you for taking the time, we all highly appreciate it. We were fortunate to have a diverse group of people in our team bringing a variety of skills and experiences to the table.
Great job! I really appreciated how you built your lunch and learns off of sound data and pre-surveys which also included asking the students what they wanted to learn. I also really appreciated the reflection that learning is happening at all times, both formally and informally, as individuals and a group. It seems you all did a great job collaborating as the semester went on, and I am sure the students learned as much from you by watching you lead as they did from the educational knowledge you provided. I am greatly encouraged by projects and efforts like these, and I hope ISCOPES continues to know the Nashman Center is also here for them as a resource. I am really grateful for your investment and impact, and I hope you continue with these efforts in the future.
Great presentation really exemplfied peer community collabration!
Thank you ver much!
Thanks so much for submitting a presentation this year! ISCOPES is a great model for other GW students who want to engage in the community in ways that focus on relationship building and learning about social issues in order to really make change.
Thank you very much for your comments. ISCOPES is a great platform to engage with communities and building relationships.
I'm thrilled a group at GW has taken to investing in teen health! Your data shows that these opportunities will help young adults develop healthier habits in the future. I'm curious to know what topics you all received as part of your survey? This is something we could build on at GW as students progress from high school to college.
Hi Jovanni, thank you for taking the time to check out our presentation! For the survey, our team came up with a list of potential topics that we thought would be beneficial to the students at Eastern High School. We then had the students rank the topics and left a space where they could insert a topic not listed. In the end, we had sessions on physical activity, nutrition, dental health, healthy relationships, stress management and sexual health. We had planned to have a session on financial literacy, but were unable to get to it due to COVID-19.