The volunteer coordinator for Seeking Employment Equality and Community (for people with developmental disabilities), or SEEC has reached out to GW about virtual volunteer opportunities.
Facilitate a virtual hangout session for adults with disabilities
SEEC staff hosts a daily Virtual Hangout which is a safe space for the people SEEC supports to come together for 30 minutes or so a day to discuss or share anything pertaining to the topic of the day. Virtual hangouts are hosted by a staff member on the Zoom video chat platform. Each hangout group consists of no more than 4 attendees (the people we support) in each chat. We are hoping to have 1-2 volunteer facilitators for each virtual hangout session. This is an informal, fun, and incredibly rewarding way to give back to the community during this time. Here are our weekly topics:
- Monday Check-in (Weekend Update)
- Tasty Tuesday (cooking/baking)
- Workout Wednesday
- Thankful Thursday
- Fun Friday
If interested in becoming a facilitator for a virtual hangout session, please complete this short interest form: