There is a lot happening right now in the world of college student voter engagement, but not as much of it is related to course-based connections. This webinar should be interesting.
Date: April 24, 2020
Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET
Date: April 24, 2020
Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET
Cost: FREE
Free Webinar - Register Today!
Colleges and universities are leading the way on improving voter engagement of our diverse populations of student learners, and data show this focus is working. Yet students in some disciplines vote at lower rates than others. What are the ways—even in this time of COVID-19 disruption—that faculty can connect voter engagement to their work with students? This webinar will focus on non-partisan pedagogical and curricular strategies to improve student voter engagement.
There will be time for Q&A during the webinar. Please send all webinar inquires to The webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be available online.
About Faculty Fridays
Faculty are at the forefront of efforts to create and sustain high-quality, equitable, and inclusive learning environments online. During this unprecedented moment of transformation, AAC&U invites faculty from across the higher education landscape to come together as a virtual community for a weekly “happy hour” with the staff, administrators, and community partners who share and support their commitment student success. Part of AAC&U’s free webinar series, Quality, Equity, and Inclusion during the COVID Crisis, these informal conversations address in real time the issues and concerns raised by participants.