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Publication Outlets for Students’ Community Engaged Scholarship

Encourage your students to submit their work for publication. The following journals are specifically for undergraduate pieces related to community engagement.

1. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

“Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is a refereed, multi-disciplinary, online undergraduate journal open to all undergraduate students in the U.S. and across the globe. The journal is dedicated to publishing the intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates on service learning, community-based research, and all related curriculum- and/or research-based public community engagement activities.

We invite submissions in five categories: Reflective Essays, Analytical Essays , Research done in partnership with a community organization, Research Articles, Open Category, Responses to previously published articles”

2. The International Undergraduate Journal for Service- Learning, Leadership, and Social Change

This peer reviewed journal is, “dedicated to providing undergraduate students a venue to discuss their service-learning projects and experiences. The Journal considers three types of articles:

1) Articles that discuss the development of a service-learning project and the impact of the project on the community served;
2) A case study of a service-learning project;
3) A reflection on service-learning and the development of personal leadership.”

3. Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning

Volume 23.2

“Reflections, a peer reviewed journal, provides a forum for scholarship on civic writing, service-learning and public rhetoric.... We welcome materials that emerge from research; showcase community-based and/or student writing; investigate and represent literacy practices in diverse community settings; discuss theoretical, political and ethical implications of community-based rhetorical practices; or explore connections among public rhetoric, civic engagement, service learning, and current scholarship in composition studies and related fields.”

4. International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities

“A peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates and their mentors. The Journal accepts submissions of research articles, fiction, poetry, photography, videos, and other creative works from undergraduate students in all academic disciplines. Each submission must be the original work of at least one undergraduate student with at least one faculty mentor, although the work may be submitted shortly after the student(s) has graduated.”

5. Journal of Student Research

to familiarize student authors with the process of manuscript publication....

Our aim is “Journal of Student Research is an electronic, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal.... The journal seeks papers that are novel, integrative, and written in a way that is accessible to a wide audience which includes an array of disciplines. Content of the journal ranges from Applied research to Theoretical research. In general, papers are welcomed from all topics.... It is said that a student is any person who studies, investigates or examines carefully. A researcher at any level, undergraduate or graduate, is looking for answers and fully engaged in the learning process. Our mission is to promote research from all disciplines and at all levels of academia....”

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