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A note on the Passing of Senator Harris Wofford from Amy Cohen Executive Director, Nashman Center

We join the country in mourning the passing of Senator Harris Wofford with this remembrance from Amy Cohen.

I note with sadness the passing of Senator Harris Wofford. Harris helped to bend the arc of history toward justice through his many significant roles in American history. His obituary in the Washington Post outlines many of them, including as a friend and champion of Dr King and the civil rights movement. I was proud to work for and with Harris at the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, which he led during the 1990s. Before that, while US Senator from Pennsylvania, he was instrumental in bringing significant opportunities for students in higher education to contribute to their surrounding communities through Federal Work Study (FWS). By passing legislation that required a minimum of 7% of FWS funds to be used for community service at each higher education institution, he effectively created the greatest opportunity for student community service. His was an extraordinary life lived in large part with dedication to public service ad helping the US and individuals to realize their best aspirations.

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