The Nashman Center welcomes students from Community-Engaged Courses who are participating in the Symposium today. To confirm your attendance with your professor, post your reflections on each session you attend to your GWServes course page (instructions below).
1) Go to
2) Scroll down and select your course by clicking on the course title
3) You’ll see your class page
4) Scroll all the way to the bottom of your class page and you’ll see the discussion wall
5) Post your reflections (prompts provided on the next page) and click submit. Your wall posts will be seen by your course instructor and that is how they will verify credit for attendance today.
6) Questions? From GWServes, message your course administrator, Rachel Talbert.
Prompts for response: Please share a few thoughts about each of these sessions today.
1) Lunch Session: After viewing the GW Theatre students’ presentation, what do you think about the role of the arts in social change? Has your service experience ever led you to also do advocacy?
2) Showcase Session: Which showcase presentation was your favorite and why?
3) Panel Session: Which session did you choose? What was discussed that you can connect to what you learned in your community-engaged scholarship course this semester?